iPhone 5C At Rs 36899? Still Not Worth It! - CanIndia News
February 12, 2014 · 0 Comments · 221 Total Views · http://ift.tt/1mae2wr
Apple has slashed rates of their base iPhone model in India, the iPhone 5C. The phone which was launched at Rs 41,990 is now available for Rs 5000 less at Rs 36,899. Add various online schemes and promotions and the phone costs even lesser. Definitely good news for the Apple fanboys.
However, despite the price-cut, does the iPhone 5C still deserve a chance? iPhone 5C has clearly been failing in India and post the launch Apple soon came out with contracts and buyback schemes for the phone. The latest price-cut is clearly an indication that all is not well with the phone in India.
And we can see why. With competition heating up, there's no real need for people to splurge on a phone which doesn't offer any real innovations and is mainly nothing but an outdated model wrapped in coloured bits of plastic. Also, with the launch of amazing budget Android devices at quarter the price of the iPhone, the budget conscious Indian clearly has his priorities in place.
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