Google eating pageviews of sites - India Today
India Today Online New Delhi, January 20, 2014 | UPDATED 17:46 IST
There are worrying signs for one-stop shop for all information online Wikipedia and it's worrying time for the inquisitive too.Seeing a decline of around two billion page views between December 2012 and December 2013, the free online encyclopedia for millions of people around the world, Wikipedia, has lost nearly 10 per cent of its page views, with most popular version English leading the slide with 12 per cent, Times Of India has reported.
Even as major versions are seeing a decline in the page views, Indian languages' versions such as Hindi, Bengali and Malyalam have recorded an upswing at 34 per cent, 46 per cent and 36 per cent respectively.
As compared to English, German and Japanese have seen a slide 0f 17 per cent and nine per cent.
TOI quoted the advisor to the California based non-profit body Wikimedia Foundation, which manages Wikipedia, Jay Walsh as saying that "the data may contain anomalies".
Observers blame the Wikipedia's page-views decline on Google's Knowledge Graphs project.
Meanwhile, the number of times editing is done and the number of editors are also going down, may be due to mobile or smart-phone where editing facility is not available.
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