India ranks second in cyber attacks through social media - The Hindu

Cyber criminals are now using social networking sites to target users in India.

According to a report from Symantec, a security solutions provider, India ranked second among nations that were most targeted for cyber crimes through the social media in 2014, after the US.

"While email remains a significant attack vector for cybercriminals, they continue to experiment with new methods across mobile devices and social networks to reach more people with less effort. India's growing social media population proved to be a ready base for them," said Tarun Kaura, Director, Technology Sales (India), Symantec. He said that in 2014, India had the second highest number of social media scams globally and the highest in the Asia Pacific region. Over 80 per cent of these scams were shared manually as attackers took advantage of people's willingness to trust content shared by friends.

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