Techbytes: Tech Giants Lend a Hand After Nepal Earthquake Disaster - ABC News

Techbytes: Tech Giants Lend a Hand After Nepal Earthquake Disaster Video - ABC News

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Transcript for Techbytes: Tech Giants Lend a Hand After Nepal Earthquake Disaster

In today's tech bikes tech giants and the Nepal quake aftermath Facebook's safety check in Google's person finder into help friends and family. Check on the status of their loved ones and apple is making it easy for iTunes users do don't into the American Red Cross. Beaten galaxy axis six edges proving to be as a big head that's right online report says Samsung can't make enough of those unique curved screens. So it's expanding production at a new factory the move will allow the company to roll out five million screens a month. Rather than two million and those high and golden apple watches gay got 171000 dollars maybe more than you're willing to spend. But new tomb stark he's teeny stat has come up with a much cheaper alternative spray paint this video blowing up over the weekend actually looks quite a bit like. The real challenges saved about 151000 dollars those insect bite yeah.

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{"id":30605894,"title":"Techbytes: Tech Giants Lend a Hand After Nepal Earthquake Disaster","duration":"0:52","description":"Facebook, Google aim to help friends and family check on status of their loved ones.","url":"/Technology/video/techbytes-tech-giants-lend-hand-nepal-earthquake-disaster-30605894","section":"Technology","mediaType":"Default"}


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